God sometimes gives us unexpected gifts. Our gift has been a grandson who enlivens our lives and makes retirement very different than the one we anticipated. He is a special joy. And that's "Casey." In 2006 we fulfilled our dream of living in Italy for a year. It was every bit as wonderful as anticipated. This blog begins in 2005 as we prepared for that experience. Since then we have explored many places together. That's the "Travel." And finally, I am a person of opinions--spiritually, politically, on just about anything and that's the "Other Stuff." Welcome to my blog.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Trying Something New.......

Blogging from the iPad has had some limitations. A major one being not able to post photos to an entry. Another was not being able to compose off-line.

Well, tonight I learned through a friend about a couple of apps that blow away these problems. Thanks, Roz. These two are so cool!

I am composing this off-line using the app Blogpress. When I am through I will have the option of saving it as a draft to be posted later or posting it immediately to my regular blogspot blog.

Because I am testing various program features, I am uploading a random picture currently in iPhotos on my iPad. Let's see if it works.

Meet Jordan and Justin beginning their terrible twos.

This has been an experiment. Hopefully, successful.

Yes! It worked!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

barb cabot said...

Wonderful discovery Jane. If I ever get an IPAd i know who to go to for advice. Great!