God sometimes gives us unexpected gifts. Our gift has been a grandson who enlivens our lives and makes retirement very different than the one we anticipated. He is a special joy. And that's "Casey." In 2006 we fulfilled our dream of living in Italy for a year. It was every bit as wonderful as anticipated. This blog begins in 2005 as we prepared for that experience. Since then we have explored many places together. That's the "Travel." And finally, I am a person of opinions--spiritually, politically, on just about anything and that's the "Other Stuff." Welcome to my blog.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I Don't Understand My Friends

Unless you are new to my blog, you know that I am a proud Democrat. I believe that we have a President who has inherited decades worth of problems and unwise and poor decisions--from both Republican and Democratic lawmakers and politicians. Elected officials have too often been led by the myopic desires of us the citizenry who often see the world and country from our narrow perspectives of personal circumstances. The courage to make decisions that are unpopular but in the best interest of the country has not been the trade mark of those we have elected to serve us.

Anyone who believes that prayers are often answered in ways reflecting God's greater knowledge as opposed to what is asked for should apply that same standard to government as it leads. And....those of us being led must allow for such leadership.

I am concerned and confused today as I listen to President Obama's budget and the response from Republicans. I hear partisan rhetoric and blustering, repeating and repeating the same historic party line--beginning before substantial reading of what was presented could possibly have taken place. Is it possible that these responses were boiler plated and prepared in advance? They are devoid of recognition that we, as a Nation, are in a mess unlike any other and remedies must be different than any others. The idea that the current deluge of monumental problems can be solved by personal grit and individual effort is ludicrous.

We need universal health care. It is wrong that in this nation we have millions of people denied medications and good health care. It amazes me that members of congress who have the best medical care available can find reason to deny minimal care to others. So what if the only means to achieve this is through socialized medicine? The truth is that most people do not understand what that means or how it would work--it's just a word to fear. But anyway, that is not what is being proposed even though the great intellectual Joe the Plumber and other fear mongers continue to throw the word around--wanting people to believe it true.

And speaking of Joe the Plumber, we come to another reason I do not understand my Republican friends whom I know to be smart, intelligent caring people. Rush Limbaugh? Ann Coulter? Michael Steele? Michelle Bachman? Joe the Plumber? These are the stars at the Conservative Political Action Conference being held right now. Joe the Plumber is a speaker! Rush is the head liner! These are the people that the hope of the rebirth of the Republican party are listening to this weekend. The selection of gurus is mindboggling.

Steele is saying: ... they (Republicans) will be shining a spotlight on big taxes, congressional earmarks, and stimulus spending fraud through the next election in 2010. These are issues they hope to use to hammer Democrats. "We'll have an opportunity to talk about this for the next 18 months," said House Minority Leader John Boehner.

In other words there is no intent to work with the party in power, in bipartisan ways, to seek resolutions to anything, to care for the American people. The stated, on record, intent is to be obstructionist and hope for failure. Limbaugh said it clearly; the more subtle, sophisticated among our politicians cloak the wish in a superfluity of words--but, it's the same incredible malevolent thought and it is discouraging.


Anonymous said...

All I can do is shake my head in disbelief. Abe is rolling over in his grave.

Judith in Umbria said...

"We have met the enemy and it are us." Remember that?

Anonymous said...

Judith--was the Pogo? Kim, I'm with you.

Anonymous said...

Jane, it is such a sad situation, isn't it? AT times when people are loosing their jobs and homes, all(some) of the officials do is protest without listening or understanding. Sometimes I wonder, where are we going next? But I do have strong hopes with Obama in the office.

jmisgro said...

What kills me is that they are dissing the EU. What is wrong with the EU?
Socialism is not a dirty word. Some of us are socialists for wanting national health care. I don't understand.
Another thing I don't understand is "responsible" homeowners. I'll bet a lot of these people had no idea that their payments would double or triple after a year or two. Shouldn't these lenders or mortagage brokers be in big trouble?
I am trying to have hope but....

Chiocciola said...

Amen, Jane! You are so right. It was OK for Bush to create the biggest deficit in the US history to fight wars, but now the Republicans are talking about the deficit and fiscal responsibility? Give me a break! And Jindal was a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

I am not surprised at all by the Republican reactions. After listening to years of the Republican smears and lies from Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and many others, it is what I would expect from them. I deal with it by not listening as much as possible. The Fox News channel is deleted from my TV. Jindal's response the other day was a joke. What I hold on to is that enough people have woken up and see the Republican party or at least their leaders clearly now. I have great hope for this country under Obama and I think the majority of Americans will continue to support Obama.

Trekcapri said...

Hi Jane, I can't believe that Joe the Plumber is a speaker! But then again they picked Palin. All I can do is shake my head too. I'm just so glad and thankful that Obama is our President. I just love his sincerety, commitment, determination and his honesty.

Anonymous said...

Along with many others, I shake my head in disbelief (though not surprise)at the warped priorities and lack of understnding. I am hopeful that Obama will make a difference.
