The first is a recipe that I made this week which was particularly easy and good. If you read my blog upon occasion you know that it is not a food blog. Unlike many of my friends, my food obsession is eating not preparation. I prefer to sit down to someone else's labor and passion and then marvel over the talent and creativity. Fortunately, I have several friends in this category--except many live too far away to do more than allow me to enjoy pictures of their artistry.
So--straight away--my contribution to your kitchen:
Chicken Thighs, Roasted with Ginger, Chiles and Soy
2 tbs. minced fresh ginger root
1/2 serrano chile, minced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 tbs. vinegar
1 tbs. brown sugar
1 teas. oil
8 skin-on, bone-in chicken thighs
Combine all ingredients in a gallon freezer bag or glass bowl. Marinate in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Arrange chicken, skin-up, in a baking dish just large enough to hold the pieces in one layer. Pour all remaining marinade over the chicken and bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes or until skin is crisp and chicken is well cooked. Serve with the baking juices.
This was super good with very crispy, flavorful skin and chicken meat deliciously moist. I actually put it, along with potatoes, in the oven on a delay start time before going to Casey's Little League game--which they lost, unfortunately--and we had an aroma filled house and a good meal waiting for us. I had pre-steamed broccoli and so just needed to toss it with sliced garlic and oil (olive, of course,) heat for a couple minutes and dinner was served.
My second "functional" thought today is the frustrating evolution of secure packaging. I am not at all sure how the truly elderly (not me) or the visually impaired (maybe me) cope with the challenge of opening anything beyond an egg carton these days.
This musing was brought on when trying to open up a well-protected from theft or malicious insertion of poisionous substance package of sunscreen sold at Costco. Fo