God sometimes gives us unexpected gifts. Our gift has been a grandson who enlivens our lives and makes retirement very different than the one we anticipated. He is a special joy. And that's "Casey." In 2006 we fulfilled our dream of living in Italy for a year. It was every bit as wonderful as anticipated. This blog begins in 2005 as we prepared for that experience. Since then we have explored many places together. That's the "Travel." And finally, I am a person of opinions--spiritually, politically, on just about anything and that's the "Other Stuff." Welcome to my blog.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Frittatas in the Morning

So--this morning I ask Casey "What would you like for breakfast?" And he says, "Frittata, please." Now my Italian readers know that this is not breakfast food and my other friends (those who know what a frittata is) will think this to be an interesting order from a 7 year old. But then, this seven year old is not only an unusual child, he also hasn't yet got this entire Italian meal culture figured out--even though he adjusts quite well to not eating dinner until after what would be bedtime at home. Not only does he want a frittata for breakfast, he takes Nutella cracker sandwiches to school for lunch.

Now--I know that this lunch course has Italian heads shaking in disbelief as the typical school lunch there is on a par with what can be found at the local trattoria--pasta al pressemolo, parmigiano con insalata e carote e gelato or, on martedi, pizza margherita, formaggio moribido e pomordori, e frutta, etc. (This really is from one of the menus at the school Casey will be attending in September—a far cry from hot dogs and pizza pockets.)

For my non-Italian literate friends, you must know that the idea of eggs, bacon, toast, juice or any other typical American breakfast such as cereal, oatmeal, pancakes, etc. and etc. is quite strange in Italy and, unless you frequent the Westin or its equivalent, hard to find. They certainly are not how an Italian would start the day! In Italia, a country famous for its delectable cuisine, the typical morning meal is a pastry and coffee—more often taken at the corner bar than at home. Children start the day with nutella--a sort of chocolate peanut butter--on bread. (Casey likes it on tortillas but guess that is very Californiaish.

So, Italian friends, for breakfast we had a wonderful frittata with excellent parmigiano reggiano and good Italian ciabatta. It was good! Maybe I can tempt you out of pastries once and a while?!

Casey’s final words were: “Grandma, you’re learning how to be a good Italian cook!” What better praise?

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